Brainbox Sourcing as a Service Reduce workload and increase savings by outsourcing sourcing

What is Brainbox Sourcing as a Service?

Brainbox Sourcing as a Service consists of a business process outsourcing (BPO) model which enables you to outsource sourcing activities on-demand. We run (e-)sourcing events for you and make sure tenders are optimally negotiated, while you focus on what you do best. The package offers all the upsides of (e-)sourcing events and removes the hurdles, such as: expensive licensing fees, extensive training, system maintenance, and implementation costs.


Take the test! How mature are your sourcing capabilities?

Sourcing Maturity
0 – 45 Your procurement organisation isn’t very mature. We recommend to work with you first to get your spend analysis and material groups in good shape. Only then are we ready to deliver the optimum value from e-sourcing events.
50 – 75 Most of the basics are in place, but we’ll likely need to do a bit of pre-work on your data and confirm the addressable spend before we can run your e-sourcing events.
80 – 105 Procurement is a reasonably mature, well managed function. Just a few minor things are holding you back. That’s where we come in, helping you get there through getting more competitive advantage through your e-sourcing events!
110 – 140 Congratulations! You’re already running a tight ship. If you’re looking for some extra support, especially if you have limited resources, then get in touch and we’re happy to help you as an outsourced service provider for your e-sourcing!

Discover more about Sourcing as a Service!

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